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  • 思科认证考试(CCNA)考试模拟题72—78及答案(1)

    试题作者:佚名    试题来源:不详    试题栏目:思科认证试题    收藏本页
    72. [xINx] The size of a window in a TCP segment establishes what? (Choose one.)

    a) The maximum number of bytes that a single frame may not exceed
    b) The allowable bandwidth for this TCP session
    c) The number of octets that the receiver must be willing to accept
    d) The number of 32-bit words in the header
    e) The number of octets that the sender is willing to accept

    73. [xINx] Which protocols are best described as connection-oriented and reliable? (Choose two.)

    a) UDP
    b) IP
    c) TCP
    d) IPX
    e) TCP over IP
    f) UDP over IP

    74. [xINx] A Telnet session to a remote host would be addressed to what port number at the remote host? (Choose one.)

    a) UDP port 53
    b) TCP port 53
    c) UDP port 21
    d) TCP port 21
    e) UDP port 161
    f) TCP port 23

    75. [xINx] TCP "source" port number(s): (Choose the one that best describes.)

    a) Depends on the application being accessed on the destination host.
    b) Depends on the application running on the source host.
    c) Are usually assigned by the source host, and are typically some number greater than 1023.
    d) Are assigned by the source host and are usually one of the "well known" port numbers.
    e) Must be negotiated by the sender and receiver during session setup.

    76. [xINx] In a TCP acknowledgment, the ack number refers to: (Choose one.)

    a) A sequential number beginning with 1, and incremented by 1 with each exchange, that identifies this exchange of packets as being complete
    b) The number of the packet expected next
    c) The number of the packet expected next, plus 1
    d) A number agreed upon at session establishment, which will be used by the receiver to indicate a successful exchange of packets
    e) TCP does not use acknowledgments.

    Reference the diagram and configurations below for Questions 77 and 78:

    Router_C#sh run

    Building configuration...

    Current configuration:


    version 11.2


    hostname Router_C



    appletalk routing

    ipx routing 0060.09c3.df60


    interface Ethernet0

    ip address

    appletalk cable-range 100-105 103.243

    appletalk zone right

    ipx network DAD


    interface Ethernet1

    no ip address



    interface Serial0

    ip unnum
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